
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Would like to tell about some of my experiences in Davao City. That is Philippines and where I went to get married to a lovely lady. I was lucky when I stayed there because I was able to stay at her house in the suburbs instead of a hotel which meant I got to experience the real lifestyle. There was nine of us in a very small house and so it is not unusual for a whole family to sleep in one room.
And we all shared the washing facilities which consisted of a small room with a ceramic tiolet pan and a cold tap with a large bucket under it. The toilet bowel had no seat and no flush so when you were done you poured water down with a ladle from the large bucket. This flushed the loo into the septic tank. We had to get that tank pumped out while I was there. They arrived at 3 am so as not to disturb the neighbours with the smell and pumped it out into a couple of 44 gallon drums on the back of a jeepnee. Goodness knows where they dumped it after that but at that time of night I guess they were not too fussy.
Anyway, when you had used the loo you used the same ladle and bucket to wash. No loo paper here and no shower and no hot water so you did everything in that small wet room from shave to brush teeth etc then flushed it all down the drain with your little ladle.
My new wife went missing one day and I found her outside doing the washing. She was sitting on a little milking stool in a small concrete pad with a cold water tap and a large plastic tub washing by hand. She washed and scrubbed and rinsed and rung out, all by hand and then hung up to dry. That was the easiest part in the lovely Davao sunshine.
Davao City is blessed with the perfect climate. About 30 degrees all day, tropical showers at night, and outside the cyclone belt. It is a wonderful place and I will tell you more about it all next time...Nick

Friday, June 23, 2006

Boy, have I found the ideal way to spoil your lady. What is it that almost all ladies love, and some men. What is always too expensive to give her all the time. Jewellery, right. Everyone loves jewellery and can't get enough of it and usually compromises on quality because the real stuff is way out of their league.
Well, no more, because I have found the best place to get this gorgeous jewellery and at simply fantastic prices. Doesn't matter if you want some basic silver stuff or the best of gold and diamonds, this place has it all and the best part is the price. You can pick up silver pieces for a few dollars and anything up over a few thousand dollars in value even comes with a valuation certificate but you usually only pay about 10% of that value.
The range is superb with everything imaginable in jewellery and watches. Why is it so cheap you ask. What is the catch. Well, their secret is simple, they sell about 5,000 pieces a day, one at a time which means a piece gets sold every five seconds 24/7. They must be doing something right and the best part is, because of the massive turnover, the prices stay down and there is always something new to find there.
So now you have no excuse not to spoil her. You can get her a delightful tennis bracelet, say, in gold and diamonds with a valuation for ,say $10,000, and you will only have to pay about 10% or $1000. Imagine when you present her with that. Can you see her eyes widen in shear delight. She will love you forever. Just pop online every now and then and find her a nice piece and you will have the ultimate happy lady.
I have several pieces now and some more on the way and let me tell you, this lady is super happy. They are wonderful. I never thought I would be sporting $1000 pieces of jewellery and not just one but several at a time. Makes you feel good believe me. So enough of the chit chat, show me the site. Just click on below and you will find a jewellery link. Have fun. Catch you next time. Nick and Charm.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

It is important to buy little gifts for your partner to stimulate your relationship. It is not a lot of good telling her every day that you love her, almost by habit, if your actions say something different. If you do love someone you will feel the need to spoil them now and then. It is very natural to want to give her little gifts and it will show her that you do really care especially if you throw in a bigger gift now and then.
Lets face it, most ladies love to get gifts from their lover and they almost expect it. As your relationship grows to the daily indifference level you will find that a little gift regularly is very necessary to help keep things alive.
So what do you get for a little gift. Most ladies just love some flowers now and then. No excuse now as you can pick up flowers almost anywhere. Your local store, when you fill up with fuel and most places which are handy if you keep your eye out. Surprising what you see if you are looking and they have been there all along. Then of course, jewellery is a big one. That goes down really well, especially the good stuff. Trouble is it can get a bit expensive. Never fear, I have found the perfect source for you to find that ideal piece of real stuff at about 10% of valuation. Just check the link at the end of this article.
And of course, if you want your lovelife to be tops then you will buy her some of the latest pieces of sexy lingerie. It is so easy now online that anyone can do it. If you still find that a bit intimindating you can get together and spend an evening checking out the lingerie range. There is an unlimited collection of all sorts of styles now and you are sure to find something just right. When that arrives you will move your love life to the next level. You will love her in it and she will feel so good wearing it. And just the evening you spent checking it out online will usually lead to an exciting time and an early night in anticipation. So there you are. Just a couple of little tips to make sure you keep your relationship up and running and well oiled. You can check the link below for all your needs in gift giving especially in lingerie and of course, jewellery, clubwear, swimwear and heaps more too. Go for it and enjoy. Catch you..Nick
Nick and Charm have the ideal site for you to spoil your love one. Check it out,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Well, to talk about those relationships. A very important topic. At the rate our relationships are breaking down society is starting to notice the impact. The impact of kids brought up in a single parent family, the impact of single mums struggling to gain some identity, the impact of lone fathers struggling with having kids he doesn't have any input into any more.
We all know of the hassels that kids face growing up with out the traditional family support system in place. So what can we do about it all. Make our relationship work? How do we do that. Should we stay together for the kids sake or is that worse.
I suppose the trouble is that breakdown in relationship just sort of sneaks up and we don't even realize it is happening until it is too late. And once it is too late it is usually too hard to bring it back. Something is gone and it can't be restored. So I suppose the answer is to work at making our relationship happen right from the start.
But today, there are just too many pressures of modern life to have enough time left over to devote to our relationship. We both have to work to make ends meet. The house mortgage has to be paid and there are always many bills waiting. You know the story. We always seem to spend about 10% more than our income. And those pressures mount up and take their toll. He will find the need to get away some times and just spend time with his mates at the pub or footy and have a few beers and try and forget about life for an hour or two. She doesn't have that same means to relieve the pressure so can't understant why he has to do that. That causes conflict and another wedge to the pressure cooker situation.
So no one seems to have all the answers. Some find satisfaction in a church situation and a change of life style and someone greater than them to help with answers although the separation rate in church is the still the same.
The only small clue I can give you is this. Your relationship is not meant to be a 50/50 arrangement. It has to be 100/100. Both of you have to be putting in 100% all the time and if one is not then the other partner will find it an impossible task to make up the missing percentage. Sit down and talk about that. Do it now before it gets too hard. Work out ways you can both put in more and do it because you love your partner. Honest communication and an earnest desire to serve your mate because of that love will go a long way to seeing you beat those breakup figures.
Catch you soon..Nick

Friday, June 09, 2006 be or not to be.. Just to deviate for a while and talk about the main purpose of us being here. Lingerie. That is about the short of it or that is how it started anyway. I bought this lingerie site on eBay actually and got it all up and running. Of course, no one had told me that you had to do a whole lot more that just have a site up and running. You have to promote it somehow so as to get the odd sale now and then. So here we are then. I just want to tell you a little about which is our site and the link is at the bottom if you would like a quick look.
Because it is a lot more than lingerie now. We are expanding the whole concept to include stuff like clubwear and partywear. Have you seen that stuff yet. Talk about sexy, trendy gear. I didn't know it was available in such beautiful ranges. And footwear and boots too. Did you know that a shoe can be made to look sexy. Quite amazing really. And so of course we have to add the jewelry and bags and make up and everything else that today's trendy lady could want.
Too much stuff to stock all in one place of course so we have linked to quality sites so that you get to explore all the options at one place. Still got some links to add yet so the site is continually growing.
All in all it has been fun so far and hopefully will be fun to keep it going. Be more still if we can eventually get some more sales but that will only continue to improve. So the lingerie site, which is the anchor site is really a complete range and we call it the skimpy lingerie site. Not that all of the lingerie is skimpy but you know what I mean. That is the very nature of lingerie, to be skimpy and to help make one both look and feel good. And of course to make one exciting to ones partner which is a very necessary component of relationship building. We will get into that later because it is a very important topic in light of the massive rate we are breaking up relationships.
So lots more next time. Nick..
Well, we are still in Davao City. The home town of my wife and the place that I would love to retire to one day. I never had any desire to go anywhere overseas all of my life and then I met this lady on the internet. One thing led to another and so I found myself getting my first passport and heading off. What an adventure it was for the first time out of Australia.
I had read heaps about how hard it was to navigate through the international airport at Manila and so was not keen to go that route if possible. Davao City is on the southern most island of the Philippines and of the south of that and considered the southern gateway to the Philippines. It is actually the largest city in the world but only in area and has a population of about 1.5 million. The Philippines is made up of more 7,000 islands and Davao City is quite remote from the capital in Manila and so has a culture all of it's own.
Although the city is reasonably large it is still very much a country town atmosphere in that the people are still very modest in dress styles and behavior and just basically nice people. Very friendly and helpful and love to see a foreigner as they are still some what of a novelty. There are many expats living there mainly for the budget lifestyle but most seem to be locked away in gated communities and not seen much by the locals. So when I walked down town with my wife I was a bit of a celebrity especially with the young kids who would come up and offer a high five. You would often get a 'hey Joe' from a passing truck and generally curious looks where ever you went. It does not pay to linker too long in one spot down town because you would be a target for the many children beggars who would approach rubbing their tummy's and holding out a grubby palm for a handout. The same would happen at traffic lights in the city when you were in a taxi. Most taxi's did not have air conditioning so you would have the windows down and so invite many hands in from young beggars when stopped at the lights.
It was difficult to stop for a coffee and snack in some places too because it would soon be known that you were in there and you would be approached by many vendors selling everything from belts to watches at often inflated prices and who found it difficult to take no for an answer. Some places would have a security man who would chase the beggars away to stop them annoying you. Always plenty of them lined up outside the malls and shopping centers so you always had to run the gauntlet handing out change and small notes as you went. We were traveling on a highway once too and it was the Christmas holidays for the kids and they were gathered in groups on the side of the road with big handmade signs saying merry Christmas. There were hundreds of them for miles all hoping for a handout. You could roll down the window and toss out hands full of change and watch them scramble for it. One young guy was always at the traffic lights with his blind grandfather in tow and he would drag him in and out of the traffic to try and get some cash from the stopped cars.
So, as you can see, this was a very different and interesting culture for me to experience and I really enjoyed it. I was lucky in that I was able to stay at my wife's house in the suburbs rather than at a hotel so I got to see life in the raw so to speak. That was an experience too but more about that next time. Nick

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Well, here we go then, the start of it all. Why does one need a blog at all. In my case it is primarily to promote a business but we wont get into that now. Maybe I just enjoy putting stuff on paper and sharing my thoughts.
I do have lots of thoughts and have been around a bit and done lots of things that may be interesting to you. I mean, one of the most interesting times I have had was on a trip to the Philippines.
That was to get married and the first time was a short three weeks which was pretty busy because to get married there to a local lady is pretty time consuming. The Philippines is fussy about who they let marry their ladies. She tried to come here on a tourist visa and I had sent all the tickets for her return flight but they would not let her out of the country. An unacceptable risk of not returning they said. So we were faced with the prospect of either a fiance visa or a spouse visa. Since I had to personally meet to be eligible for a fiance visa it seemed more logical to get married and apply for a spouse visa as they were generally processed quicker.
So I set a date and arrived in Davao City, Philippines. Lovely city. I fell in love with the place straight away. The mix of the modern with the very basic lifestyle was just so interesting to see. And of course, Davao is one of the safest , if not the safest city in the whole of the Philippines. It has consistently been in the top ten Asian cities as the most livable. But it has not always been the case. Davao had one of the highest crime rates and was one of the most lawless cities in the Philippines.
What made the change. Mainly one man in the form of a mayor. A side arm carrying, motor bike riding mayor who rules with an iron fist. There are many mysterious execution style shootings of anyone involved in drugs or crime. No one knows where they come from but the effect is to have virtually no crime at all. Many ex-pats live there and are very happy with their Dirty Harry as they affectionately call the mayor. A lovely, crime free and very safe city. I would love to retire there one day and of course the weather is perfect too.
Well there we go. Don't know how we got here but we will continue next time. Catch you then, Nick.